Monday, May 28, 2007

Big Brother Girls Topless Bonanza

This coming Wednesday here in the UK sees the start of the new Big Brother series. Way back in season one this was supposed to be more like the Stanford Experiment than mindless entertainment. Well that lasted as long as the first BB-related tabloid front page.

As soon as it became obvious that this could launch you into a media career just by sitting on a sofa for two months doing pretty much nothing from season two onwards the wannabe invasion started. Some people did make careers out of it - although most sank back into obscurity fairly quickly - but thanks to Britain's endless supply of Lad's Mags the girls found a second way to further their career: the post-Big Brother topless spread.

The folks at Nuts have done a round up of the best of the BB baps so far for your enjoyment and if you're wondering who the new generation of BB slappers will be then your first stop should be at CelebPixx sponsor Big Brother Exposed who will be all over it.

This post is available in full on our NSFW blog

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